Saturday, April 25, 2009

Blogging on a saturday...

Saturday again. Weekends. So precious. So much to do, so little time. Cliche yet all so true.

Sitting in the middle of a Starbucks in Siglap. Surrounded by so many coffee lovers. The tables are full of couples who have chosen a coffee joint as one of the best places to be to "pak tor" or socialise. Of cos, one can argue that a couple socialising is akin to dating. Then again, what constitutes a date? Candlelight? Romantic dinner for 2? The wife and I have different definitions of dating. To her, a date is a social event between a couple. They need not be together or "going steady". They need not even be interested in each other. Now, my definition is somewhat different. A date only happens between a couple who is already together, i.e. the guy is there with an intention. Ah well, Oxford Dictionary can go ahead and define it. As long as the wife and I know what the other means.

It's a sweltering Saturday and just walking to the Starbucks has gotten my shirt damp with sweat. But such is the heat on a Saturday afternoon. But truth be told, the weather has been rather unforgiving these couple of weeks.

Rather than stay at home with the air con turned on, what better way to keep cool than to head to a coffee joint and enjoy a cuppa with the air con blowing away. After all, it's uber-cool. In all senses of the word. Watch the world go by. We ARE social creatures after all.

Sitting in the Starbucks cafe, not people watching. But preparing lessons. No life? Well, better to be prepared for lessons than to be blur about it when the week starts. As a good scout would say, "Always be prepared".

Anyway happy news. Baby was cooperative. At 17 weeks, the gynae has given the stamp to say that the baby is "80% girl". Guess there's still room for small areas to grow. Since we can't see certain parts of the body on the scan, we can only be 80% sure that it's a girl. Now, if we CAN definitively SEE something on the screen, I think the gynae would probably be more positive about the sex of the baby. So for now, it's 80% confirmed that it's a she. At least we can stop calling the baby an "it" or "him/her".

But I've taken leave from my books long enough. Time to hit the books again and ppt slides. Such will be Saturdays for some time. But not complaining. Like what I'm doing now. So these things don't come as a chore.


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